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Beyond Good and Evil

By Friedrich Nietzsche


Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards unparalleled discipline and purpose? Sign up now to be the first to know the release date of ‘Modern Discipline Through Ancient Techniques' by Diogo Correa – the game-changer that seamlessly blends centuries-old philosophical wisdom with cutting-edge strategies for mastering discipline in the chaos of the modern world.

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What you’ll get

  • Chapter 1: Embracing the Discipline of the Ancients

    i. Overview of Stoicism as a philosophy.
    ii. The importance of discipline in modern life.

  • Chapter 2: Foundations of Discipline

    iii. Understanding the Stoic virtues (Wisdom, Courage, Justice, Temperance).
    iiii. How these virtues contribute to disciplined living.

  • Chapter 3: Formless Discipline

    v. Applying formless mindfulness techniques.
    vi. Training the mind to focus on what is within our control.

  • Chapter 4: Acceptance and Adaptability

    vii. Embracing the Stoic concept of amor fati
    (love of fate).
    viii. Developing discipline through acceptance and adaptability.

  • Chapter 5: Self-Control and Temperance

    viiii. Stoic practices for managing desires and impulses.
    x. The role of temperance in achieving discipline.

  • Chapter 6: Courage in Discipline

    xi. Methods used by ancient leaders.
    xii. Overcoming fear and cultivating resilience.

Teachings of Philosophers

*Snippets taken from inside the book*


In a world spinning faster than ever, where chaos seems to be the only constant, with dinosaur news media perpetuating civil wars across western nations and microplastics riddled throughout our food, there exists an age-old compass that can guide us through the storm: Stoicism. Believe me when I say, this is not just an ancient philosophy; it's a timeless toolkit for the modern mind.

"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste much of it."

- Seneca


The dance of discipline, an intricate choreography of the mind and soul. In this chapter, we'll explore the toolkit further for the abstract realm of virtue, drawing discipline inspiration and tools from the timeless wisdom of other Ancient minds, where discipline becomes the music that guides our steps and maintains.

"In battle, if you make your opponent flinch, you have already won."

- Miyamoto Musashi


Discipline is found in the stillness of acceptance, where the mind becomes a mirror reflecting the ever-changing universe. Surrendering to the flow allows for a disciplined response to life’s twists and turns. The disciplined individual is not the most rigid but the most responsive to change, understanding that adaptability is the key to survival and growth.

"To the mind that is still,
the whole universe surrenders."

- Lao Tzu.


Nietzsche, the philosopher of the will, challenges us to find purpose in the face of adversity. As I’ve previously mentioned, Discipline isn’t always about resistance; it’s about surrendering to a higher purpose. When you have a compelling "why," you discover the resilience to navigate any "how." Acceptance becomes an act of strength, not weakness.

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."

- Friedrich Nietzsche.

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